Hello all!


Dalayan Beginner
Hello, i want to start playing EQ emu and found SoD.

I wonder if this server is very popular with people, and if more players group, as i have tried other EQ emu, but were more independent and not looking both group.

I like these games for the reason "social", because to play individual, I would go to another game.

Still have not started playing, but I would like that some time playing with tell me their experiences in the game as contact with other players.

Thank you. mutenroshi
I have been playing this game for eight years and have found most people to be friendly. It can be difficult to find a group at times, depending on how many people are on, what class you choose to play and whether people are already grouped up or not.
SoD is by definition a community driven game. We are not as big community wise as the commercial MMOs, but we are fairly tight knit. Getting a group is relatively difficult until level 20 or so at least, but it is well worth talking and getting into the community before that.

There are lots of older players who love helping new ones. Just be sure to talk in OOC and the newbie guild.
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