Hello All


Dalayan Beginner
new player here.. well new to SoD.. played eq for years but its been years since i played..
could use some help getting back in the swing of things.. started the game in the tutorial like place and can find out what to do next.. just the guide guy there... please help
I also can figure out how to get the options menu.. can find the bar that has all the buttons on it..
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Hey Doujia. Target the guide and hail him (/say hail or simply press H)

He will say somethings and give possible responses. The simplest way to respond is to type in /cm d# (with the number corresponding to the dialog response you chose).

After speaking with the guide, you will follow the path (press Backspace to see the map - you can zoom out with mouse scroll wheel or the zoom buttons in the map interface) and meet humanoid NPCs that have simple challenges you must complete. At the end of the path, you will find a round enclosure with an entrance at the rear. Inside, speak with the first, second and third, and finally the last. You must speak to each NPC you meet along the way, do not skip and complete their tasks FULLY before preceding to the next one.

By completing the Dream, you are given starter items and the necessary quest and items to begin the Main Quest (which you can start at anytime - do not lose the note/books, since you'll probably want them for reference) and awake in your home city. You will also now have access to Dalaya's Beginners (the common guild everyone starts in - a great resource for levels 1 - 65) and can use /ooc and /auction (global channels.)

Since you are new to Shards of Dalaya, I would suggest checking out our community wiki and the Differences between SoD and Live page in particular. And of course, read the server rules if you haven't already - an absolute must read (that link is the wiki's extended addition of the Server rules, including a bunch of notes, clarifications on naming policy, the finer points of the decency policy, and raid rules as well.)

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thanks for the reply but i can't seem to find the bar with all the buttons on so I can chane my keybindings and i can't get it to run fullscreen can you help with that?
Two of us answered in the other thread you posted about keybindings, but here ya go:

Alt+O brings up Options (including Keybinds.)

Alt+W will bring up the Window bar (though I never use it, it gives you easy access to many of the 'window' menus.)

As I said in the other thread, once you follow the directions to get through the Dream you will have access to <Dalaya's Beginners> guild and they are super helpful with easy Q&A stuff like that.
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