Hello all


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all well i tryed the server out few yrs ago while plying another server n sorta got caught up there n ended up retiring from eq for few yrs n plan on returning when my internet gets turned on sumtime this week was wondering whats a good strong solo char non caster not a big caster guy like tank n dps class love plying war pal sk mnk as a main but wanna start with one char befor boxing any suggestions on a strong solo char for me to get back into the game
If you want to solo without a heavy caster emphasis I'd say either go ranger or beastlord...both involve some casting, but not as annoying-casterish-stuff as bard. Out of the available melee classes, solo play isn't great for...well...any of them. Ranger's a solid choice though, and pairs decently with several other classes for later on.
Hm ok guess i will just have to mess arnd till i get the feel for one havet plyed a bardd or rnger as a none box since live
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