Hello All


Dalayan Beginner
Seeing as I'm new to the server and EQ1 in general just figured I'd introduce myself and say wassup. Just wondering whats a good casting class (dps) for new players? Also any tips for the game would be awesome. If anyone wants to group with a lvl 1 hit me up :)
Good caster DPS? Ease of play for first timer?

Hands down - Necromancer.

Put a larger majority (if not all you can) into cha, this will decrease the chance that your offensive spells will be resisted.

Notes: you will be put in a guild as soon as you start up, this guild is called Dalaya's Beginners. Lot's of people have characters in the guild.
Don't hesitate to ask a question by typing /gu <question goes here>

Don't get too bummed if you die a bunch at first, it's a fairly hard game. Just keep at it and you'll be as addicted as all of us, lol.
Yeah I made a dark elf wizard (what I played in eq2) and they're so many key commands its mind boggling haha. Defintely looks difficult to master but I need a mmo thats not ridiculously easy *cough* wow *cough*
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