Hello All.


Dalayan Beginner
Hey everyone,

Just found a link to SoD on someones signature whilst playing star pirates.

I was a long time player of EQ ( 1999 - 2007 ish ) when i left, i had a Lvl 75 Shaman and 72 Ranger on Druzzil Ro.

Really enjoyed EQ, but it seemed to start spiralling off into madness with its story lines ( See SoF et all )

Hope to enjoy SoD =D

cant decide between shaman, Monk or Beastlord now ><
Hey everyone,

Hope to enjoy SoD =D

cant decide between shaman, Monk or Beastlord now ><

i'm sure your will it's a really great server. to make your choice a little easyer make a second account as your allowed 3 and two box =) it's a little hard getting groups when your under 20 anyway, at least thats what i found.
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