Hello Again!


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone! I played SoD over a year ago for a couple months but stopped playing for some strange reason. I figured since I didn't know anyone anymore and I only knew a few people in the first place, that I should re-introduce myself! I played EQ from a little bit before Ruins of Kunark till just before Gates of Discord. I played a Druid back then and did a little bit of raiding. When I played SoD last year I got a monk to LvL62 and a mage to 51. I don't know how to play them anymore really and I don't know what I was last working on with them. I pretty much need to learn the game again so I've decided to make a new character. I'm at a loss for what race/class to choose. Perhaps something that would be easier to find groups with? Easier to acquire equipment for? I'm open to suggestions and I'd think I would even level a cleric if I had a group of people to play with. Last time I tried to level one of those I thought I could do it solo and I had a bad experience with it. Hope to see some of you in game sometime! Would be great if I could find some people to level up with!

Has anything changed in SoD in the past year?

*EDIT* I've been thinking about dual boxing and I would love to hear what some people have to say about effective or fun class combinations. I'm guessing the idea is to have a tank(ish) class and some kind of healer but I'm wondering how much you can stray from the war/sk/paladin tanks and still have fun.
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better late than never :p many classes can "tank" well enough to duo with a healer. in fact, you mention you played a monk once, and monk/shaman is one of the most popular duos. the monk tanks very well for a duo, and in some situations an xp group as well, at least while leveling up.

a ranger could probably tank well too in a duo, but you would have to sacrifice alot of dps in the long run by not bowing.

a bard could tank very well for a duo, being a plate wearer, and adds lots of utility. mine has been main tank in xp groups often, as we don't find a real tank much, and i handle it pretty well (WTB bard taunt)

DO NOT try to make a rogue tank, they are squishy, have no taunt, and do far more dps from behind the mob.

those are just a few suggestions, you can get creative with a duo and make it work, no need to roll an actual tank class for a duo. as for race, just decide on the class first, then pick the race you think is the most fun, or most well suited to your class. i recommend a race that has any sort of nightvision, being blind sucks, but any race/class combo will work well, if you play them well. good hunting! :D
Thank you for the reply! I was wondering if I said something weird in my post to not get any responses haha. I read somewhere on here, I think, that bow dmg wasn't that great till high levels if you can't twink yourself with a decent bow. Is this wrong?

Should I be using a particular stance?

Oh, and I'm not sure how archery damage works. I know melee works off of STR but does archery take into account any stats? I would guess that DEX would improve chance to hit too. I don't know but I checked the wiki and for DEX it said that it works specifically for melee. So, if that's the case how does archery work?
Don't make the same mistake I did, and create a class without reading their bonuses. Humans for example, get 5% bonus exp, meaning that you get to level 63 instead of level 60 in the same time, and get 105 AA's instead of 100 in the same time later on. As an example, I was on the verge of jumping off a bridge when I realised I've been levelling a high elf, but I reluctantly decided to press on with the high elf since they do get immunity to charm and a built in mez resistance - at least - to compensate, so it was a fair-ish trade off. Halflings, ironically and probably due to some strange joke on SoD's Deities / Gods part, get bonuses to tank skills (10% taunt success and death effects resists) etc.

It's here > http://wiki.shardsofdalaya.com/index.php/Races/Comparison < very easy to miss - I personally missed it even though I read through everything (or I thought I did - it's basically a hidden link mixed in some stuff I felt was completely irrelevant and common sense - such as 'there are 15 class's, some classes have different vision etc.'), and only found it because someone told me to look for it in game, and I went actually looking for it ::p

Oh and welcome back ~
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