Hej Hej & Howdy!


Dalayan Beginner

Just started playing SoD recently. I've been absolutely fascinated and enthralled by SoD. I am so impressed with the quality of work and dedication that's been put into it; and how refreshing, enjoyable and unabashedly fun it has been to play! *This* is how MMOs should be done, dag nabbit!

I'm usually found puttering about online at sporadic times with my DE Enchanter (Nepentheia), WE Druid (Avani)--mostly grouping up with my friend Thundera. We both come from the Bertoxxulous server on That Other Game.

I hope to get a chance to meet up with y'all, and I truly look forward to discovering more wondrous goodness that is Shards of Dalaya! :dance:
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