

Dalayan Beginner
Hi, I played EQ from pre-Luclin (don't remember the exact time I started playing) until GoD so this really interests me :) I'm currently installing EQ form my old EQ Platinum I was very happy to find collecting dust. Can't wait to play with you guys, my character name will probably something similar to my forum name (Fayt, Faytn..) if any of you are interested in looking me up, cause we know the only reason anyone plays EQ is for the community and how fun it makes this game!
Great to have you on-board, I am glad you had an original copy lying around, load er up and have a great time man!
I joined today too so I figured I'd just reply in this thread. Started eq1 after kunark came out and quit after they decided to add drakkins... I played on tunare and the progression server as Nausea. Playing a troll shaman by the name of gruung now if anyone wants to level together.
Hey Fayt and Xin. I am fresh back myself, not considered my charracter name yet but would be happy to hook up and unleash some hell together.
In the process of downloading Titanium edition, as I seem to have lost my original copy... was on Venril sathir server btw.
Welcome you guys. Hope you enjoy the way this server is made and the social dynamics. Whenever you make your characters let us know what their names are.
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