Heartland Plateau bug


Dalayan Beginner
I'm am stuck at a point in the quest given out by the dryad Tesia. I talked to her when first entering the zone, and got the quest to learn about all 3 factions. I went to all 3 leaders, and talked with them and got a confirmation message saying "you have learned about such-and-such a faction" from all 3. When I went back to Tesia, she gave me the same quest dialog again. I went back to each leader and checked with them, and they all asked me to join there faction. I'm assuming thats because I had already learned about each faction.

I went and talked to Tesia again, and still no response other than do the quest to learn about the 3 factions. I decided to join a faction, and joined the gnome faction(council of innovation I think it is called). I finished all the quests given to me by the leader, and advanced a rank. I went back to Tesia to see if now she would talk to me, and got the message "stay away from me outlander". I have also tried talking to the othere 3 dryads, and they all say to me the same thing "stay away from me". :brow: I didn't think I smelled that bad :)

Anyways, is this broken, or am I missing something?
Thanks for the help.

p.s. Characters name is Dunbar.
Sounds like you just did the wrong thing. You're supposed to agree with each faction that they are the best, then go report to Tesia what they think. I don't think you can do it now, but I haven't found any real reason to be friendly with the dryads yet anyway.
You didn't complete Tesia's dialogue before you ran off to talk to the faction leaders, and thus you joined a faction before starting Tesia's quest, which means she won't have anything to do with you.
Wiz said:
You didn't complete Tesia's dialogue before you ran off to talk to the faction leaders, and thus you joined a faction before starting Tesia's quest, which means she won't have anything to do with you.

Hmm, ok. I'll have to try this quest with another char to figure out where I went wrong. I thought I had finished Tesia's dialog though. I talked to each leader, and got confirmation that I had learned of each faction. I then went and talked to Tesia and she just repeated herself. I did not join any factions until after that.

oh well.
Wiz said:
You didn't complete Tesia's dialogue before you ran off to talk to the faction leaders, and thus you joined a faction before starting Tesia's quest, which means she won't have anything to do with you.

Actually, that was not the problem. Curious as to what happened, I talked with some guildies about this. I found out speaking to Tesia is part of the main quest. The problem is, I talked to her before I got to that part of the quest. I'm currently at the part where I have to kill the 4 spectres of corruption. Since I like to find out quests on themselves, I wasn't looking at spoilers and didn't know that this was part of the main quest in the future.

After looking at my logs, I didn't just run off like you suggested. Here is what happened.


I had never visited heartland plateau before, and wanted to explore a zone I had never seen. So I zoned in, and talked to Tesia, as she was the first person I met. I talked to her and followed the dialog, asking every question possible. I finally reached the end of her dialog when I reached this.
- [Very well.]
- [Fine, but I have a question first...]
You say, 'fine, but I have a question first...'
Tesia says, 'No. You can ask your questions when you have done me this favor, but until then... no.'
- [Fine then...]
You say, 'fine then...'
Tesia says, 'Go, then! Come back when you know the intentions of all three groups!'

I went and talked to all 3 faction leaders. I talked to each leader until I got the following confirmation message from each one.
"You have learned of the Order of the Blackscale and their ideals."
"You have learned of the Silver Crown Trading Coalition and their ideals. "
"You have learned of the Council of Innovation and their ideals."

I then went back to Tesia. I had done everything that she asked, but since I was not up to her part in the quest, she just went through the same dialog again. Again, I got to the end and she told me to go learn about all three. Obviously, I had. But because I wasn't flagged to be able to finish her quest, she wouldn't continue with it. Since I was still able to join the factions, I joined the gnomes and finished all of their quests.
(As a side note, I would like to say they were absolutely awesome. Especially the one where I had to disguise myself as a goblin and talk to the leader. Creative, awesome idea.)

If I could suggest, I think if you are not flagged to start Tesia's version of the main quest, then you should not be able to talk with here. She should say something like, " I have nothing to say to you yet. Return to me when you are ready." It makes no sense to be able to start a quest, and then not be able to finish it. If you aren't flagged to be able to do a quest, you should not be able to do it.

Now my character is screwed and won't be able to continue the main quest when I actually reach the point where I'm supposed to talk to Tesia. I think this is something that should be looked at.
You can skip the tesia bit, it's not necessary for the MQ.

You can also complete her quest without evenstarting the MQ. So no, you're wrong.
What are teh limitations on Tesia's quest supposed to be? When I did that part of the main quest, none of the dryads would speak with me. I made it a point to speak wiht all 4 factions (Dryads, council of inovation, blackscale, and silver crown) before joining any of the factions, as I was convinced this would make enemies and prevent me from finding all the information.

Everyone of the dryads (3 standing in a circle and one off a ways by the water) refused to speak with me.

At this point I had gone through the MQ until the point where I was told to go to the heartlands. I had also gone through the faction questions and been told I am Chaotic, Highly Good, if that makes a difference.

Maybe this is by design, but it does seem wrong that you would be unable to complete this quest (or in fact start it) without first doing something to make enemies with the Dryads.

I only joined a faction after I failed to get a friendly response from the 4 druids I was able to locate.
Is this quest the only way to increase faction with the Dryads? I'm running into an issue. Been trying to complete this quest for over a week now. I talked to Tessia, accepted her quest, and spoke with all the faction leaders. When I reported on the 1st faction (council I believe) the [quest text] looped on me. Somehow I got her to accept that line eventually and had no trouble telling her about the Silver Crown. When I got to the Black Scale bit, the text looped again.

[The Black Scale are a terrible, direct threat to you. They want this land and will kill anything that gets in thier way.]
You say,"The Black Scale are a terrible, direct threat to you. They want this land and will kill anything that gets in thier way."
[The Black Scale are a terrible, direct threat to you. They want this land and will kill anything that gets in thier way.] <-- gets returned. Gets returned after I say anything actually.

Assuming this quest raises faction with the Dryads. Would really like to get my port spell... :sadf:

Ugh feel retarded. Think I've been spelling that word wrong my whole life. Finally got it done thanks so much.
yeah... i did tesia early on my druid because i wanted my druid ports but wasn't quite able to finish part3 yet. there should be no reason why this would happen unless they changed something since when i did it. or you're doing something wrong, and it's you, not the game.
How do you skip this part? high seeker gavin says i need to go to heartland platue and wont speak anymore so how do I skip this part?
Not sure on what you mean by skip this part... You zone in and talk to the druid and follow her text and/or you go pick a faction to join and follow the text. Do a few quests and speak to the dyrad
You don't have to do the dryad's quest. Doesn't mean you don't have to go to Heartlands Plateau.
She wont talk to me so not sure what to do I talked to the silver crown guy way before I started the MQ. I'm stuck on the silver crown quest because he says to show the paper to different people and I can't find the right ones.
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