Hayden Aulder's Quest


Dalayan Beginner

I am having an issue when trying to complete Hayden Aulder's quest on my character, Fizzlo. Currently, I am stuck on converting my Dull Crystal into an Enchanted Crystal using the pedestal in Blackburrow. I have gone to the exact coordinates in the wiki, but it is not showing up for me. Just to confirm I was in the right spot, someone who had already done the quest came to show me where the pedestal was. They could see it, but I could not--it was empty ground. I tried repatching all to see if this would fix the problem; it didn't.

If I could get some help getting this item converted, that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
i am having this same problem would be helpful if someone posts how they fixed this if anyone has found a soulution
I thought this had something to do with the graphics card on your computer ... I could be wrong though. I remember other people having the same problem, but I don't know what the solution was.

The best I can do is bump this post.
Searching the forum would have been a good plan of action here. Searching for "pedestal" I found about four other threads about this (within like 10 results). It would seem that the graphic for the pedestal requires a Titanium installation. If you have anything before that, it will not be visible.
I searched the Forumn for the title of the quest and there was only this one found the One I posted on.... And I purchased the Underhill expansion from steam.... That was the latest expansion on the List I take it it is not the prefered Client to have?
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Just relating what I found in the many many other threads of this nature.

The expansion Underfoot from Steam works great in general from what I've heard; I use the Seeds of Destruction expansion from Steam on one of my laptops. However, Titanium is considered 'optimum' in terms of supported and necessary files, and other players who have this issue seem to be using a non-Titanium client. Steam expansions also seem to have issues with certain zones (Thaz, DFS and Mistwoods) though those are pretty easy to fix.

I mean, "You're missing files" is a pretty basic answer. Missing this item isn't going to be worth stalling over. Or you could probably find someone with the files to log in your account and touch the pedestal for you - you can always guestlock and change your password when sharing your account.
O ok well I have on older computer where I bought all the expansions on from live I guess I will try to copy all it to my new computer and see if it will work with SoD.... Thanks for the response...
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