Have I made an unrepairable mistake on MQ?


Dalayan Beginner
[size=10pt]Hello to all
I will just get to the point.
I started my main quest a couple weeks ago. It was easy, I just answered the questions and went to get the ground spawn and got the first Augment. I got excited, since its the first Aug I got in the game at all. After about a day of thinking about it in my inventory, I decided to put it on my Cult gate necklace that I completed the week before.
I had no idea at the time that I would have to give it back to the mq npc for an upgrade, until I read the Wiki.
So after I read the post about HOW TO POST HERE.....by the WIZ....I was naturally scared, But since technically i still have the augment I decided to give this a shot.

Can I continue the quest? Or have I made a terrible mistake

THANKS For any Input you might have

[size=10pt] XaiviaX[/size]
The Aug's from the Main Quest can be removed like other Aug's but instead of being destroyed they are place in your inventory to use again. So no you aren't screwed just use the acid on the item and the Aug will be back in your inventory.
As you seemed somewhat unfamiliar with augs, a little more detail:

Aug vendors sell acidic solution. When you combine an acidic solution with an augmented item in an aug kit, it yields an unaugmented item. Standard augments (non -Quest) are destroyed, but no drop augs are simply returned to your inventory, or, if full, to the bank.
Regarding Augments recieved form quests that are not destroyed during removal.

Does this include lower level augs such as given by guild quests, or just the Main Quest augs?

- R.
Every quest augment I have ever removed has been returned to me. I think a good rule of thumb is that if the augment is NO DROP then it can be retained after being removed.
I don't think any guilds give quest augs besides the bard quest aug for instruments. All NO DROP augs have this property, including the Main Quest aug, the Silver Crown/Blackscale/Council of Innovation augs, the bard instrument aug, the Giant/Dragon quest aug, the religion/diety augs, and presumably (although I have no direct experience with this one) the Thaz aug.

The augs that are not no-drop, i.e. the tradeskilled augs, are destroyed when you remove them from an item.
GuiardoTuneweaver said:
... the bard quest aug for instruments.

Yep. That's the one. I just assumed every class got something similar at some point.

I'm willing to expiriment, but I sure hate to lose my first little augment ever received. Kind of like that first dollar you make in your business, the intrinsic value is worth more than the face.

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