Hannia MQ Broken


Dalayan Beginner
Spoke with Tesia, she had me obtain the intent of three factions in the Heartlands..

Upon discovering the three factions intent, i returned too Tesia..

informed her with what she asked... she than instructed me too find Hannia and speak with her..

I find Hannia, and hail her... but too only get a broken response... she says

What do you wish of me, Outlander?

According too the wiki, she is supposed too instruct me to Joining one of the Three Factions.. but she does not give me the option, just the one liner.. What do you wish of me, Outlander..

At the time of this post, im in 3rd of the petition que... Figured last time i petitioned the main quest being bugged... i was told too post about it here... So Plz help! thanx!
did some more searching after i took a break, it appears.. one just goes and joins a faction...and you continue on the mainquest... Gna join CoI, and continue from there... hopefully i dont further bug my self
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