Halloween Quest for Level 55


Dalayan Beginner
I completed the Halloween quest on my 65 main, and wanted to do it on my 55 alt. I'm on the step where you "would" turn in the valk symbol of honor, and the digested thought horror claw (but items are different for level 55)

My quest journal says for the two items: "One, a ring from a fallen noble in lasanth. The second is less defined. Something that is defined 'By actions it is forged, as tangible as love. Of Dignity and Character, What binds us to our words' "

The first item is obviously the ring in lasanth, the second item I figured was some sort of wedding ring. I tried the gold engagement ring that drops in kings pass, and the wedding ring from rust but neither worked.

When I hail him to try and figure out what items I need...
[D2] What was I supposed to find again?
a sleepless vagabond says, 'My thoughts are focused. All that is left is to give them more substance.'

[D1] I'm not quite understanding this substance thing?

But then I get no text afterwards, so I can't really figure out what the item is I'm missing.

I'm not really looking for the answer because I know you're not supposed to give out hints and stuff, but I would like to know if this quest is bugged for level 55s? Is it supposed to give me text after that command? Because I'm stumped, and none of my friends or guildmates can think of any other possible items.
bump, any word on if this step is bugged or not for this level range? I know some tmaps weren't dropping the halloween quest piece (fixed once it was petitioned); I'd imagine he's supposed to respond to this command?

edit: I've also tried the lasanth ring + valk emblem of honor but still wont progress me in quest
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its not bugged. I am 65 and finished it and I had the Tangible as Love item and turned it in fine. dont know what valk symbol of honor is either.
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