

Dalayan Beginner
Greetings to one and all.

I started playing on SoD as of yesterday, and am currently exploring the world with a monk / shaman combo.

I played live from beta until just after the release of GoD, whereupon I switched to WoW, only to become
greatly disenchanted with the player base there. I happened to stumble across SoD purely by accident, but
now that I've sunk my teeth into the Game again I have the feeling I may be around for a while (much to
everyones dismay, I'm sure!)

Anyways, I look forward to getting to know everyone, and hopefully grouping with y'all when the opportunity
presents itself. You can find me on the server playing as Jutsu / Ogamisama. Ignissa (got slapped with a
name change earlier this evening -.-)

Oh, also - When I played on live I played on Cazic Thule, as either Genkakushi (iksar monk) or Trillidas (WE Druid),
so if anyone played on CT or recognizes the names, shoot me a line ;)
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