

Dalayan Beginner
Just started playing. I'm an old-schooler I guess, been involved with mmo since about 2000 but I never much played the Game (think I lvled to Lvl 10 once).

A few questions if I may:

How long has this shard been going?

SoD seems like an earlier version of the Game and so would appeal to a lot of players who miss those days. Why isn't it better known?

This concept of heat is new and intriguing to me. If I want to be a not so nice character I know I'll get grief from NPC's, but apart from roleplaying aspects, does it have any effect on other players? I mean for instance, can I pickpocket another player?

Are there evil cities where characters of low reputation are welcomed?

Being a character of evil reputation would seem be a tougher life and that it would be more profitable to be good. Are there benefits to playing evil characters?

That's it for now.
Hello, welcome to SoD.

To answer a few of your questions:
For one, I'm not exactly sure how long, SoD has been around, depends on if you count Winter's Roar too. Sod itself started in August of 2005? Winter's Roar a couple of years before that. I, myself, have been playing both on and off since 2004. Maybe someone else can be more specific of the time periods though.

Most people only hear of the game by word of mouth from those that play or have played. Or people that purposely are searching for a version of Live that is not Live.

Having heat doesn't affect you with other players and you cannot pick the pockets of other players, just NPC's.

Alignment on SoD is kinda different from Live. You choose how you are aligned by what you actually do in the game. A God you worship, for instance, will change your alignment. How you do or complete certain quests will also change your alignment. Which NPC's you choose to kill or not kill can also change your alignment. Typing /cm stats will show you where you are at with alignment. Except Paladins and Shadowknights that begin the game worshipping their respective Gods;and therefore take on that God's alignment. All others class/races begin the game as neutral/neutral/neutral. I think though, the Dream where you begin allows you to change this during one of the tests, but I'm not certain.

There aren't any actual "evil" cites like on Live. There are a couple that aren't completely neutral, such as Grobb and Halas. But for the most part each city is unique and faction can be gained to be allowed in any city of choice, despite which race you choose. Most of the cities are neutral, however, and will consider you dubiously or indifferently when you first start out. How you handle yourself in those particular cities later in the game will depend on whether or not they will welcome you or kill you on sight. Therefore, which race you choose really isn't of as great importance alignment-wise as it was on Live.

Hopefully, I have helped answer your questions. The forums are loaded with information concerning these issues and others. You can also find information on the SoD Wikipedia, as well as other links provided here on the forums.

I hope you enjoy the game as much as I have :)
welcome, and I think Kinyia covered just about everything. SoD Wikipedia is a great source of infos along with the Tome of Knowledge section here on the forums :toot:
well written posts, good questions clear answers :keke: I love to see this...It is a great community to belong to, welcome to SoD!!
I must say I'm really enjoying this - the Dream, the dialogue, the quests, and how refreshingly difficult it is. Cheers to the developers. Obviously a labour of love.
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