

Dalayan Beginner
Hi all, I just made my accnt here =)
I played eqoa fronts for a long time, and recently googled for EQ emulated server. and haha i ended here. so I haven't made a character yet, infact im still patching. but I would like to make a few friends before i play. Just so i can better decide what toon i want to make =) so give me a shout back.
Most character mechanics are similar to what you are used to. So roll up something you like and get after it! You've already found the forums, but you should also be aware of the wiki, located here.

Good luck, and good hunting to you.
hey, would one of you kind gents answer a couple ?'s for me
*can i play full screen? is it worth it?
*where do i change keyboard controls?

and btw i made a hum/pally my name is sideshow
Full Screen, yes. Worth it, meh. Not if you plan on two-boxing (btw, two-boxing is allowed on this server, but no more than two)

KB controls, alt-o in-game, keyboard tab.

BTW, you should read the name policy, and get ready to rename your pally. The admins/devs/GMs are pretty cool here, but they do not have a sense of humor when it comes to char names. Neither, it seems, do folks whom have been name-nerfed themselves.
sideshow will always be my main name.. it has been since I started online gameing 7 years ago.. Im sorry if "sideshow" is in some way offensive to others, however I am reknown for my name over many diferant games and platforms. why would it be a problem?

and thank you kindly for the assistance =)
Ok, so I read the "name policy" in class today. and im super confused, It might have been easier to have a list of names we can use. but in any case, as soon as i figure out out to play with full screen. ill change my name.
if you rolled a human paladin i highly recommend rerolling before you take off too much: sure they get an xp bonus and decent stats, but theyre blind in the dark which is really annoying, personally id recommend rolling a dorf cause dorfs are so awesome with their ale blessing ceremonies, or a gnome for their racial item focus bonuses.

ps gnomes are short and ugly and suck, but their item foci are good, but they suck anyway. hate on gnomes!
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