

Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone! I've been playing SoD off and on for about a year now, but recently have decided to play it pretty exclusively, as it seems like it has great leadership and a great, mature player base =)

So, I look forward to seeing you all in game!

Watch out for the gnome mage Fizzlebottom
Welcome to Dalaya. I would like to offer you complementary muffins. *hands over muffins*. If you have questions please feel free to look me up! My chars names are in the sig. ^.~
Welcome and well met.
I'd advise not going for this name though for naming policy problems. Although some people seem to be going without trouble, I doubt this one stays long unnoticed.
Welcome and well met.
I'd advise not going for this name though for naming policy problems. Although some people seem to be going without trouble, I doubt this one stays long unnoticed.

Yeah, I've read the naming policy and gotten quite a few opinions in the game on whether or not it violates the policy, and most seem to think it might not, as it's along the RP'ing end of things (being a gnome and all)

I'm always more than willing to change it, though, without any argument. As it says.. "this is our play ground, not yours" =)
Hi Arish, I didn't know you played here, I just moved over myself- Hengest/Sturla from Bixies eh?
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