
Dalayan Beginner
Hows it going guys?

Im Acrimonious formely of Rallos Zek. I quit EQ many years ago. I played EQ2 for maybe a month and then EQ1 again on the combined ZEK server for about a month but nothing really captured the essence of old school EQ1.

Im looking forward to playing and will probably be duoing up with a dude from another forum.

I am a little dissapointed there isnt FFA pvp :( Im not a pk but i always loved the challenge of knowing i could be attacked at any moment. It really added to the lore/fantasy realism imo.

Im re-Dling EQ now because I unziped it wrong and corrupted the files lol. so hopefully I wont screw anything else up and ill see you all soon.


P.S. ill be playing a necro probably named Grimelder (i hope thats not considered against the rules it was my name in EQ1) and a bard named Acrimonious as long as the song weaving isnt too watered down now (i miss weaving :p)

im open to try any other classes as well if people want to start a steady group or need me for casual raiding..
just checked out the wiki and wanted to comment on some of the general changes listed...

Im really excited about seeing the changes to the old cities (ill check out the lore later and see their back stories)....

The day/night effects of heal/life tap are cool ideas...

"Necromancers no longer have the ability to give others classes their mana" :(:dumbsad::confused:

"Archery is worth something even before you put 100 AAs in it!" awesome now maybe ill play that ranger i wanted to 5 years ago lol :dance:

"Rogues poison crafting is very different and very useful" :haw:

"Pristine and Bind on Equip items" i just hope its not overdone like in EQ2... of course thats probably the PvP fan in me...

the adventuring band sounds like an awesome idea...

dont know how i feel about re-spawning with all my gear... the missery of the 3 hour corpse run is something i always missed about old eq hahah (serious)

just some stuff that stuck out.... i cant wait to play
Welcome to the server.

It is hard to suggest names. They almost have to be random letters that are pronouncable. You really can't put much meaning into them.

Well I did get "Notpit" to pass the rules, but it does not really have any meaning. So I don't think you can do an "evil" name that won't get nerfed. There is more flexibility for surnames and very little oversight on pet names. So, you may want to focus on your pet's name as a way to express your "evilness"

My druid's boobooo bear is named "FooFoo"
My Beastlord's wolf is named "Cujo"

I hope you enjoy the server despite a very small pvp population.
^^ thanks ^^

im sure i can come up with something ;)

i was never really a pvper... like i said i just enjoyed that added challenge.... it really added to the realism of the "fantasy" for me...
ok well i logged in and finished the dream with a necro and i will be playing a bard as well...

any new commers want to group up sometime this week??? let me know what times are good..
Welcome to the server! So what name did you wind up using for your Necro BTW? Inquiring minds want to know... Life is much better here then on current Live, nothing there but insanely overly powerful raid gear that boggles the mind as to how they let it get so far out of control.
^^ my necro is "Evangelist" which was the name of my rogue back in the day since grimelder wasnt alowed.... ill prollly use grimelder as my surname

my bard will be Acrimonious

you interested in grping?? :)
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