Hail, SoD!


Dalayan Beginner
I just recently started playing SoD as a monk/shaman duo (Surop and Suropsis respectively) and I'm having a blast. I played EQ back in the days of Planes of Power as a rogue. I love the sense of mystery there is to everything now that all the zones, mobs, quests, and loot are different. Keep up the great work, devs! If anyone is interested in creating an adventuring band or levelling with me, shoot me a tell in game. I am on infrequently at odd times!
Glad to have you playing! There is sooooo much to do in SoD it is great. If I am near you and you need some buffs or something, don't be shy! Be sure to ask questions in the Dalaya Beginners guild, and keep the wiki link close at hand!

See you in game!
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