Hail Shards of Dalaya


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone. I'm new to the server, have a level 8 bard named Viktrom so far. I am 29 years old, live in the great state of Louisiana and have been playing MMO games since the turn of the century. I love the game so far and plan on leveling up as quickly as i can, possibly making alts along the way. If anyone sees me on, feel free to drop me a tell. Thank you all for having me in your wonderful community.
Cool, You are probably in my level range. I will probably see you zoom zoomin by me at bard speed.
I am pretty limited on the amount of time I get to play, currently full time at work and a full time student at the University of New Orleans (UNO), so my bard is only 12 at the moment. I am hoping I get a little time to play this weekend, not sunday evening though of course, superbowl time. WHO DAT!!
They definitely put Favre on the ground last game too, he looked like he was hurting. Peyton has the same thing in store.
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