Hail (New to the server)


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all,
Well I have been playing 2 days now. Last night I did a raid on an adept. I have been slowly learning all the new lore and content.

I am amazed and I am grateful. Thank you so much for bringing this precious gem to life and tweaking it to be even more wonderful than I remember live. I played live from its early days of late beta and spent years and years in that world. Unfortunately as it became mainstream the quality of energy changed. I was giddy with excitement to log in my Druid for the first time and hear the old tunes of Kelethin and hear the familiar footfalls of a wolf walking by me or hearing my first skin like wood spell cast. Oh the memories and the new memories to come!!
So far all I have me is awesome people and helpful people. Supah appreciative for this!

So kudos to all of you and a hello to all of you from me...
hit me up in game with any hints or if you are around and want to do battle together

rock on all you Dalayans!!

Jaredyn (Druid)
I do not claim credit for any of this. All the credit goes to Wiz (retired) and the past and current developers, as well as to the creators of Live for the sights and sounds that we still use. I do welcome you. I am glad that you too have found an alternate world that is a nice diversion from this place we call real life.

And thank you for not choosing a tacky name. :)
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