Hail from Canada


Dalayan Beginner

Name's Jorlen. I used to play the Game on the Drinal server. And by "play the Game" I mean "trade in the markets till my eyes bled". I did the north freeport thing, then adapted to the Bazaar when it came out. I mean, it's not all I did. I did play the game, about 15% of the time.

Even though I haven't played everquest for 2 years, I look forward to getting back into it.

Anyhow, I was recommended here by a friend. I had no idea there was these types of servers and it sounds like fun, so I'll see you all in game!

- Jorlen Rizzo formely known as the Drinal market whore
Welcome to SoD!! The market here will keep you a little nuts hehe or at least it does me. What part of Canada are ya from? Alaska here, and the weather's turning =((
Hrm. THere's a filter to change the name of the original game to "the Game". How unusual =)

Heya Griz! Alaska eh? Well definitely colder than where I am. I'm in Ottawa =)

Yeah well I can imagine a market with this kind of player base is going to be way different than what I'm used to. Then again, I am starting from scratch, so I suppose the transition will be natural.

So, tell me, are there any items from the original game, or have they all been replaced?


- Jorlen
And I just wanted to add that this is an amazing concept, and I can't even fathom the amount of work that had to go in to programming, balancing and testing all of these changes. It's mind-boggling! Kudos to the staff.

And on that note, I look forward to discovering all these changes whilst meeting you all in game! Hopefully this time around I can focus less on making platnium via trades, and more actual playing the game =)

- Jorlen
I think all the items have been redone, sometimes just tweaked a little to fit us here, and renamed but they're not the same. Jboots for instance are Traveler's boots and are equal I believe to just above run3 and below SoW. That's the biggest similarity I can think of at the moment, most things have been changed, although you'll find something that does the job here...
Grizabella said:
I think all the items have been redone, sometimes just tweaked a little to fit us here, and renamed but they're not the same. Jboots for instance are Traveler's boots and are equal I believe to just above run3 and below SoW. That's the biggest similarity I can think of at the moment, most things have been changed, although you'll find something that does the job here...

We actually recreated the entire item DB from scratch, pretty much.
Liam said:
We actually recreated the entire item DB from scratch, pretty much.

Is your avatar meant to strike fear in the hearts of mortals? Because it scares me.
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