Hail Citizens of Shards Of Dalaya!


Dalayan Beginner
Hopefully soon I'll be playing on this wonderfull server soon :)

Only thing I can offer to you people is my knowledge.

I use to be a guid on EverQuest I
Server: Kane
Name Billian The DistortedOne

Honest word. Anyways. Good hunting and safe travels. :)
Hail Bosec.

[D1]How fares your travels thus far?
[D2]Welcome to Dalaya if not in yet regardless.
:dance: Yes! I feel loved. Bad news though... I don't have the EQ expansions to connect to the server. Erm I could download the requird expansion like the Titanium pack? If I can't downoad it anywhere I'll just barrow my fiance's brothers discs.

Thanks. :D
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