Hail and well met


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone.

My name is Arlome, pronounced Ar-low-may, and I am glad to meet you all. I'm an older gamer and I am sure that my age is most likely in the medium as EQ1 is not for the faint-hearted WoW players as is found common these days.

I first played EQ1 about 7 years ago. However did not play for very long. Probably about 4 months. After that, I played a slew of MMOs and a year ago tried coming back to EQ1, but with little success because of difficulty my schedule presented as well as a lack of helpful players.

So, here I stand today, re-installing the titanium edition I so eagerly purchased in hopes of finding adventure and great fun. I hope to meet many of you and look forward to a great host of adventures. I wouldn't suppose there are any guilds here in Dalaya are there? Please let me know.

In faithful service of Dalaya,

Arlome said:
I wouldn't suppose there are any guilds here in Dalaya are there?

you start in a beginner's guild that will teach you the basics, help you around, and so on. we recommend you stay in Dalaya's Beginners untill you get the flow of the game.

there are a few guild around; some RP guilds, some casual raiding guilds and then a few higher tiered guilds.

you can always look in the guild threads here in the forums!

good luck :keke:
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