Guilds of WR?


Dalayan Beginner
Was just wondering if guildleaders on here could give the people some info on the guilds. I've seen like 5 different guilds, and know nothing about them, and instead of having a bunch of people bother you ingame, figured info on here might be nice. Just like your basic principles behind the guild, if its evil/good/all aligned. whether or not it serves a high rp purpose, and what you expect of the guild down the road, and why it was formed.
Guardians of the Winter is the original guild... used to be just GMs in it, but now its the local high level guild, raiding guild, and so on. We recruit most anyone 45+ that wants to be a part of WRs raids. Only requirements are that you are able to act civil and don't sit out on raids to exp in Siren's Grotto.
Started a guild called <Roughnecks>. Same intent as above. Very young guild atm but intent to do the 45+ raiding route in conjunction with Guardians of the Winter.

Right now the only real requirement is lvl 10+ (shows your willing to stay on WR) and being a civil player. Most of us are live players with lvl 65 characters so we like to raid.
My Guild: Crimson Darkness is going to try to raid as much as possible with any lvl range of people. We require lvl 20+ and will start raiding as soon as our populous grows a bit more. Send a tell To Scandranon to join. Raiding will be based on the drops(Sk only stuff to the SKs, iksar only gear to iksar, etc) but points will also be issued later for loot aquization, when we start getting multiple people who can use the drops. Basicaly though, raiding will remain: need B4 greed :roll:
House of dinex

I have created the house of dinex, a guild that , when i finally start to work seriously on this server, will be a guild dedicated to evil race/class combos only. We will fight against the hordes of delusional lightys, in what ever way we can.

As of yet there is no membership, but it should soon change.
As I have made this post, and also started a guild, I suppose I might as well get off my lazy ass and post something about it (even though I'm sitting on it while I post =/) Anyhow:

The guild is called Disciples of Sivyana. Its a guild dedicated to the wishes and whims of Sivyana, and hopefully there will be some RP interaction with her, as personally her wishes besides wishing to have vengeance on Tarhyl, are unknown.

The guild is RP oriented, meaning if you are in public, it would be advised to roleplay. If you are out just hunting with friends or guildmembers, then the rule isn't applied. If there are announced quests (probably the only announced quests will have to deal majorly with the story) then I would like to see the members make it there and represent the guild and Sivyana well.

Currently I'm the only member as the guild was created 5 or so days back. We are of course looking for potential members, but you must at least roleplay. you don't have to be good at it as long as your trying. Of course its easier for evil aligned characters to go with sivyana, as they would be easier to empathize with her. Yet the calling of a God is hard to resist by anyone, and if people who play good classes (races can be good evil whatever) wish to join us, then they just need to provide a substantial reason. I would need convincing that a Druid would wish to serve Sivyana, but it as all things, are possible.

Currently I have a website under works, but it might take some time as I need to acquire another server that supports MySQL databases, as I use YaPP for my sites. Anyhow hopefully that will be up soon. And if any wish to inquire more about the guild the can contact me through the board pm system or at [email protected].

Clergy of Righteousness

This is a guild of strength, honour, wisdom, and compassion.
It is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Dalaya for both the members of the clergy and those around them.

People wishing to join must know someone in the guild, and that member must believe that the person in question would be a good asset to our community.

There is currently no race/class restriction for members and there most likely never will be, as the acceptance of diversity will be the key to our survival against Kaezul and his minions...

For more information about CoR please visit the Clergy of Righteousness website.
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