Guild Invite only works on second try


Dalayan Beginner
When inviting someone to a guild, you have to do it twice. The first time, the game says:
"Unknown response from (playername) to guild invite. (3)"

Not a big problem, just means we have to type the command twice, but figured I'd report it if you didn't know the problem existed.
That has always been a problem, since May or so at least(when we created Venerate).

The only time it doesn't do it is when the person you are inviting just guildremoved while you were in the same zone.

/Shrug, I just learned to live with it, it's not a big deal at all and the SoD team has better things to waste time on.
TapeinV said:
/Shrug, I just learned to live with it, it's not a big deal at all and the SoD team has better things to waste time on.

There's nothing wrong with a little perfectionism :)
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