Guestlocked Characters, Level 65, Deleting, and You!


Dalayan Master
This may seem like a crazy question, but can level 65 characters be deleted? I ask because I was speaking to a few guild members in vent about concerns letting certain people use certain characters due entirely to ridiculous unfounded paranoia. I wonder if someday I could log into one of my accounts only to find character X was deleted out of spite or similar. I know if that if said scenario were to ever materialize that the offender could and likely would be dealt with, however I was unsure if the whole situation couldn't in fact be avoided by having the character guestlocked.
I tried creating a level 1 character and guestlocking him, but he was still able to be deleted. I know a while ago there was mention of after hitting level 10 you could no longer delete a character, which is also nice... however I don't really have the courage to test with with any of my rooms to see if its true.
Could someone shed a little light on this for me if only to quell the fears I have spring to life anytime a guild member asks to "use one character or another?

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Oh you can sooooo still delete a character at 65. *cough ragequit*

But if something like that happens, the staff is generally good-hearted enough to attempt a character restore for you if you are patient, polite, and patient...provided it was someone else's doing and not a rage-quit. The end-all answer is, as always, if you leave your back door unlocked, and your buddies know it, you will one day come up missin a cooler full of beer.
Oh you can sooooo still delete a character at 65. *cough ragequit*

But if something like that happens, the staff is generally good-hearted enough to attempt a character restore for you if you are patient, polite, and patient...provided it was someone else's doing and not a rage-quit. The end-all answer is, as always, if you leave your back door unlocked, and your buddies know it, you will one day come up missin a cooler full of beer.

you need new buddies.
No staff can verify whether or not you can definitely delete a char over level 10 and/or if anti-character deletion is built into the guestlock suite of coding?
Too much "blue please respond".

You can get a character to level 10 in like an hour. Find out.
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