guess it doesnt matter anymore

i dont like wiz? are you putting words in my mouth? trying to get me banned? i never said this! i dont get where you can say this at all, im just waiting for the server to be switched back to main log.
utlima, he just messin with u.. and i dont think wiz would ban u for that lol.
and on another note i think wiz is doin a good job heh.
I think i don't like wiz but for differnt reasons... its cause he gets to live in Sweden and we are stuck in US... well most of us. Stockholm would be a place i could live forever.... haha anyway this is is a post from wiz about the ls server if people don't check eqemu boards. O yea and I think i know who Wiz REALLY is.... he is the Ghost Rider I swear haha. I bought a 2003 Busa with 1700 miles on it couple months ago... scary... No turbo like wiz's tho. Lol.
Main loginserver keeps stubbornly being down, so there isn't really much we can do about that.

We're gonna switch over to a loginserver of our own within the next few days, should fix it for everyone.

Also, considering we've only been on backup for a total of two weeks tops, I doubt anyone's waited months.
Winter's Roar Administrator.

Last edited by Wiz : Today at 08:11 AM.
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