Gruplok quest broken (Curiouser and Curioser)


Dalayan Beginner
I'm working on the quest given by Genklog the Curious, and I've given him the shrew tail he asks for. I'm pretty sure I did the dialogue following, but having the ogre swill in my inventory isn't doing anything. Hailing him doesn't do anything, either. My quest log currently states:

"I gave a shrew tail to Genklog and he seems pretty happy with it... I get the feeling that he would take any assistance I could offer him".

Any idea's?

what character is this? the quest itself works but maybe you are stuck between journal entries or similar

send a tell to me in game if you are in game at the same time i am.. will get this sorted

EDIT: APPAREntly you were already helped but i will figure out what went wrong and try to prevent it anyway
Sorry for seeming to ignore the post. I don't come on the forums often, and I tend to forget about it. I had it resolved, but what had happened was I didn't complete the dialogue after I did the turn in. It's one of those quests where the dialogue ends and you need to hail again to get a journal update. Failing to do that second hail broke the quest.
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