Grrr patcher issue


Dalayan Beginner
Ok my big problem is that when I run the WR patch program, it wants to download a file named "thegrey_chr.txt" but just can't do it. It has no problem dealing with any of the other files except this one, however this one file is keeping me from playing.

Before anyone even thinks of suggesting it, I have done all of the following (several times and in several different combinations) to try to correct my problem:
-reinstall EQ
-repatch EQ (including complete check) using EQLive patcher
-reinstall Hotfix to EQ folder
-reinstall WR Patcher to seperate folder
-download the WR Patch direct thing (for if the patcher isn't working) and installed it to EQ folder

What the hell can I do to fix this?
I guess we're having pretty much the same problem, here's to them knowing how to fix it eh?
Are any of the rest of you getting an error message that pops up in the dos prompt?

EDIT: In addition to it having frozen on thegrey that is.
patcher problems

Was alos having problems downloading thegrey_chr. Also couldn't download freeportw_chr. In the middle of reinstalling the whole ball of wax now from ground zero, will report how the patcher works after that when I get to that step.
Well glad to see I'm not the only one. Thinkin I may just have my friend burn the files to CD and see if I can do it that way...
Anyone got anymore info on this problem, my friends and I have encountered it also which is really annoying. :(
My suggestion is that you fully repatch EQlive (using the expansions that are available on WR) using their patcher.
Once patched...install the eqfix and then patch with the WR one.
I have reinstalled and repatched EQ three times now, I have put the WRfix in the right place. I have put the downloaded patch files into the everquest folder as well but when I run the patcher it still doesn't work...
Wish I could offer you more then this - that I don't think one .txt file is keeping you from playing. Recently I remember seeing a *.txt file being downloaded with the WR patcher, but it didn't keep me from playing.

Try this out:

Right click on My Compter (from your desktop) and select Manage

Once in there click on System Tools and then Event viewer.

Take note of any errors you see when you are trying to log into WR. (should be the Application and/or Security option).

In there it might talk about something else causing a problem.
Iadas, it is not a problem with the txt file that is keeping us from playing, it is the lack thereof. Because the patcher won't let you play until you've downloaded all encessary files, and because we can't download this txt file, that's why we can't play.
Okay, I have a question. If you download the patch stuff from the main site and stick it into your everquest folder is there a way to just run WR WITHOUT going through the patcher? I ask this because when I tried running the patcher after unzipping the patch files it still tried to patch and froze up on me as usual.
Ok, if you download "patchfiles direct download" from the files section on the home page and extract them into the "wrpatcher/wrfiles" directory it should work. It worked for me. =p GL
Great I'll try that, I'm getting tired of having to reinstall and repatch EQ each time I puck up.
Worked for me too, guess I didn't realize that the patch files needed to be unzipped to the WRPatcher folder. Thanks a bunch!
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