Grobb Shaman Newbie Quests - Grekel


Dalayan Beginner
I have completed Spirit Talker Grekel's 1st quest and recieved his reward. However, upon talking with him again, I cannot get him to progress me on to his second quest, the only thing he allows me to do is the 1st quest again. I went ahewad and did it all over again just to make sure it wasn't just a flagging issue or something, but he won't accept the shield and muddy medicine bag from me again, so it does in fact recognize that I have completed that task before. If only I could get to the second quest... then the third... then the 4th, etc etc.

For anyone stuck on this as i was sense spirit talker grekal doesnt direct you on what to do for part two you need to gather the items listed on wiki's_quests_-_Part_II

and give them to Black Scale Quartermaster. You can find him in the shadownight guild in Grobb. After he gives you "Mossy Bark Leggings" you need to give them to spirit talker grekal and he'll give you exp(i think) and give you Mossy Bark Leggings back to you and you can continue on the quests.

Hope this helps any fellow shammy out there
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