Grobb Monk Quests: continuity messed up?


Dalayan Adventurer
After completing Master Hysath quest. and "acheiving balance", and also completing the darksun headbands also offered by master hysath, i hit a road block.

Master Kythla in the monk guild tells you to return to her when you've proven yourself to the order. However there seem to be no other ways to increase faction with this guild.

I've completed the amulet of blackscale service, and have even aligned with blackscale faction as part of the main quest. In mielech b, a named froglok drops a froglok poison gland, with iksar monk being it's usable classes, however it is not equipment, just loot. I assume this is for further monk questing in the iksar guild, however the continuity of these quests seems to be broken. I would like to request this be investigated, as there doesn't seem to be any way to bridge the gap to get the factions, or the flags necessary to start master kythla's quests.
Update: possible reasoning?

As of October 4th this quest still appears broken, and shows no signs of chaneg.

However, i think i might know what's wrong, for any quest devs willing to look if nudged in a certain direction.

The grobb monk newbie quests from master hysath lead up to attaining "balance" marked by the gift of the disciple's chestwraps of balance. However, when talking to master hysath after acquiring them, he acts as though you have not earned them. Maybe the flag player's are supposed to receive by attaining these is not being placed properly, restricting further advancement.
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