Grobb elemental monk quest bugged


Dalayan Beginner
So I spent the entire day doing the first three monk quests, the water, earth, and fire ones, however before I finished the wind I stupidly hailed and did the beginning quest dialogue with the first guy that gives the quest, and now it wants me to start over with the water quest. Is there anyway to get around this or am I just screwed? If so I'll just give up because it really took a long time to gather everything. Thanks for the help!
You should have the proper flags to continue on you just need to find the proper "phrase" to trigger the correct position in the quest-line. If the quest is outlined on the wiki, see if it can help you find where you left off.

Its too bad the NPC wasn't coded to check your flags and respond appropriately. rite devs?
hmmm, that did not seem to work. I tried the quote I got from wikipedia but no luck. Any other thoughts, or shall I give up? :-/
Monk grobb elemental

I posted this on the wiki site but the Master does not prompt you for the belts just the orc headbands for the claws. you just have to trust me and give all four belts to the master and you will get the elemental tunic.

20 lvl Monk
That wasn't the problem, I had 3 of the headbands and needed to do the quest for the last one, but the guy wasn't responding to hails and wouldn't even accept the quest items. I ended up doing the whole quest over again, although wasn't as bad the second time as i knew where to do for everything. Alligator scales were too rare though heh.
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