Grobb Beastlord newbie quest. 5th one


Dalayan Beginner
I have given all the items to Tamer Kabil that i needed as wiki said and he will not give a reward. All he did was give me all the items back and do nothing. I have also tried to hail him and he does not respond anymore. This all happened on the 5th quest where wiki says i need a "Frayed Tiger Leash", a "Frayed Wolf Leash", and an "Escaped Liodreth's Head".
I have also killed the Animal trader four times, and the escaped liodreth a couple times. The trader dropped nothing and the escaped liodreth only dropped a head.
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The quest dialogue calls for "hands" off of the escaped liodreth. I killed that mob at least 5 or 6 times, but it dropped a head every time. I'm guessing this quest is bugged.
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