Grekal Shaman Quest (first one)

Tinthalas Tigris

Dalayan Beginner
the very first quest from Grekal for the SHaman's in Grobb requests to mix 2 pieces of algae rich mud, one piece of fungus flesh, and one leech sucker with a band-aid int he medicine bag, then apply it to the knocked out warrior, and return to him proof of the quest success.

I'm having a big problem with that.

I got 2 of the green tinted mud (is this what it is asking for?) I got the piece of fungus flesh, and i have one leech sucker. I tried combinations of putting them int he medicine bag with and without a single bandage, but it says the message "these items do not combine together int his container."

whats the story? does anyone remember what is necessary and what i'm doing wrong?

Aside, I erally do enjoy everythign about this game. I've only been playing for a day, and am already two boxing and totally loving it.

2 Green Tinted Mud
1 Fungus Flesh
1 Leech Sucker (not the dried type)
1 bandage (storebough, not summoned, nor the startup stuff.)

-think this is what I used week or two ago. Took me a while to realize I were trying the wrong bandage, and finding the right sucker type.
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