

Dalayan Beginner
My girlfriend's brother was telling me about this server a few weeks back, and I finally took the time to re-install EQ and download the patch. The blast of nostalgia that assaulted me when I heard that music and saw that level 1 human warrior on my character select screen took my breath away. Needless to say I'm excited to get started again!

I guess I should make an introduction, my name is Andrew, I'm 22 years old and I first played EQ on December 25, 1999. I initially played on the Veeshan server, but later transferred to Prexus, and then back to Veeshan, and finally landed on Luclin (Veeshan) when the servers merged. I played a level 70 Magician named Saroiel, and was in a number of different guilds throughout the years.

I can't think of anything else so I hope that's sufficient! Can't wait to get on and play tonight!
Man I played on the Veeshan server back in the day before the Luclin one opened and moved there with my friends. I also played a mage. Good to see some representation from some of the older servers.
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