Greets and well mets


Dalayan Beginner
I found this shard looking for something else to play. I found this site on xtremetop100 but noticed it was at the top (which didn't matter to me) yet was drew me to it was the level of professionalism in the rules page of the website. Something I noticed on the list site was that I did not see any mention of drop rates or exp rates, this led me to believe that this shard might indeed try its best to be as close as it can to the original. But thats how I found this shard..

About myself.. I have play many free mmos out there, and a few p2p ones as well as one single purchase game.. In my treks in and out of these games I've noticed that free games are only as good as the staff that develops the time and effort into the game. Pay to Play games are greedy, enough said. This includes games that are free with small purchases, which seemed to be most of the games I did play. For now you might see me spend alot of time on these forums asking silly and obviously new player questions, please be kind with your blows of learning.

Edit: I just realized after looking to see if someone made my name in game or not.. that my previous EQ charcter I ever made was actually on this server. Lucky me to find this play again!? I guess to answer my own question on a previous thread I'll try using Titanium again as I already have it. Glad to be back..... although nobody knows me :).
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