greetingsss everyone!


Dalayan Adventurer
Hi all, just thought id fire up all my old EQ disks and stumbled across this server, looks like fun and brings back old memories from what I can recall back in the day... lol Last time I played EQ the level limit was 60 and planes of power was just coming out (inlaws actually bought it for me and I didnt have the heart to tell them back then I cancelled playing EQ) lol

Anyways, looking forward for some group action. By the way, I see you post often here notil and your character has some very nice gloves "Render Fin Gloves"? who drops those? my monk sure would love to get hisss hands on them!

this site looks so professionally done, i even love this little character lister:

*drooooolssss on those gloves*

To be honest, that toon is our guild banker bot. He was naked for a few weeks and I did not like that so I pulled some gear from my bank and put it on him so that he looked cool. None of the gear is really very good. It was stuff that was not even good enough to put on my alts. The gloves don't have a high AC and so I never equipped them.

Now you know.... the rest of the story.

Anyways, welcome to the server.

Here is a link to the guy who drops the gloves.`Kodal
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niccce thanks for the reply, this is a nice server. Everyone is so friendly!

- Nuglug Fuglee
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