

Dalayan Beginner
Hey, Just started SoD, I have to say I totally forgot how to play eq :) I played EQ for over 5 years from 1999 - 2004. Played on Vallon Zek(pvp) and remember how the first time I played I thought it looks like DOOM in a D&D settings. I play wow now for around 2 years but I also enjoy SoD so far. I think its great that you were able to use this and offer it to people on a volunteer basis. Looking forward to questing with you all.
I dont have 1 character that im comfortable with but it seems my SK Octavarium may be the one I go with :)
Welcome to SoD :keke: Keep playing around with your characters, you'll settle into one afterawhile, in the meantime enjoy checking out the different class abilities here =)
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