

Dalayan Beginner
New to your game world. havent even gotten a chance to log in as im having problems getting it to work :)

That aside i used to play eq alot years ago started in march 31st 1999 on Tunare server.

Played a cleric there gnome named cookiesage and a wizard named Miscreant gnome also.

Did alot of server firsts and had alot of fun.

Hoping to get in game soon will make a gnome warrior named Miscreant :) if i can figure out how to get past this EULA screen i cant click on the eula accept button soem reason :)

Hoping someone can help me out :0
Welcome to SoD. Make sure you read and follow all the rules before creating your character. Especially the Naming Policy, it will save you alot of trouble before hand.
Fully understand. I think Miscreant is a good role playing name i dont feel it voids the naming policy. Cookiesage however would and wouldnt use that.

Thanks for the welcome soon as i figure out what im doing wrong ill be an avid player :0
Well I finally am up and running :)

Miscreant the gnome warrior Breathes !!!!

Mirth and mischief shall abound as the wee folk fight to prove size matters not !
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