I just discovered this server yesterday (Sat) while browsing the Ranger's Glade for the first time in many moons. Or should I say sunmoons heh. I guess I have that urge to start Rangering again. Once I got up and running I brought Aescher up to level 5. IMO this is the direction the game should have had in the first place. Great job guys! I'm PST time zone. See you in the Realms
I just discovered this server yesterday (Sat) while browsing the Ranger's Glade for the first time in many moons. Or should I say sunmoons heh. I guess I have that urge to start Rangering again. Once I got up and running I brought Aescher up to level 5. IMO this is the direction the game should have had in the first place. Great job guys! I'm PST time zone. See you in the Realms