

Dalayan Beginner
I to am another noober....actually doing this thread from my phone while the patcher runs on my pc. Hopefully all will go well. I quit eq long ago...when planes of time was where the good gear dropped...had a very high geared main healer druid...and a main healer priest that was in full time gear. Needless to say...def not rolling a healer this time around if i can get in the server lol... Glad to see the game is still around after myself and many others left to play wow for a few years....played eq from velious release to gates of discord or omens of war.. Then left to play wow a few years. Now i am back hopefully to make new friends with my long lost friend eq.

Thinking of rolling iksar necro or dark elf mage maybe....i think half elf bard would be fun but idk if i could handle one.
If anyone has and advice please lemme hear it!
I've always been a huge fan of mages as first characters, mostly so you have access to all those awesome summons on later toons. Necro would be a solid server-first as well just because they solo so well and you won't be super gear dependant for a while. Bards can be a hoot, can solo fairly well, and fit into pretty much any group.

You may have already picked up on the differences between live and SoD from the wiki page (I'm not linking it, suck it Rari!), if not, it's very much worth checking out. Racial bonuses have all been pretty well balanced here, so you can click for flavor.

There's a boatload of content throughout the levels and then the raid tiers, so don't feel rushed to blast through the xp grind. The staff has done a lot of work to ensure that nothing you do ends up being a "waste of time." Killing Rabb the Rat at level one, for instance, can yield some beneficial gear for quite a time to come.

In short, kick back, play whatever tickles your fancy, and prepare to not be dissapointed. You will never regret having your own:


But try not to do it all at once!
Necs are beast mode from level one to end game. Mages wallow through the resist shit hole that is t7 to 10 old world, and get a beast and a 1/2 end game and iki. bards make me dizzy.
a bard made me dizzy once.

The Differences between SoD and Live link that Dimmi refused to provide. Click any of the words in this line.

i'm not going to pimp my class of choice, vell got here first. I will say that our race bonuses are different, so you're probably going to want to take that into consideration. they're in the frontpage archive, but way easier just to check the wiki (though you'll be relying on us to have copied them over right. do you really trust us THAT MUCH? DO YOU!?) people will tell you to check the wiki a lot, so it is a good thing to know about it anyway!

also, t7-10 is a long way off to be worried about. if you wanna kick it with a mage, go for it and more power to ya.
yeah, the real class choice is the one you like. Also, a boxed mage can do duo things a nec cant touch, unless the zone has undead. Necs are the worst box class in the game. Wizards are close but have the crit mechanic and actually play well with chanters and paladins. necs dont play well with anyone, except with undead around.

You should turn on your private messages for the forums. User CP - Edit options and find the check box.

If you have any questions at all please feel free to give me a holler! A bard alt is a pretty great combo if you're making a necro, though you get very spoiled. The twisting songs here is gone so you just turn on selos and regen song and auto-follow and go to town.
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