

Dalayan Beginner
Hello all! I must say...I'm shocked and amazed to say the very least. I was an avid EQ player several years ago and had to stop playing for a while (relocated, got married, had a baby, etc) and just didn't have the time nor moneyto keep up with the $15 monthly fee I was paying. Here I am today, stumbling upon this site...and WOW!!! I cannot believe this! I think I'm still a bit it really possible to return to EQ and be able to simply donate as often as I can? Is it too good to be true?

If in fact this is a possibility - THANK YOU! This is so exciting. I've missed EQ so much. My EQ name is Nemaway, I had a 68 Magician on the old Mithaniel Marr server. Hope to get to know you all soon!

Also - I'm not even sure how to get started again with EQ. I think the last expansion I purchased was LDon...or maybe something beyond that, not sure. How to I download EQ again and be on this "free" server?

This server is not like other EMU servers where it is a clone of Live, while they do use zones/models from live, the game is completely customized with it's own lore/items/npcs. It does however have a very old school live feeling.

To start follow the set up guide on the forums here, you also need to have all expansions up to and including GoD. Easiest way is usually to just get a copy of Titanium.

I would also advise checking out the Wiki for lots of information regarding the differences between SoD and Live and other information as some mechanics work slightly differently (Cha affects how often spells are resisted, etc)
Thanks for the quick reply. Seems fairly similar, but I understand the differences. Iwasn't able to find this answer, but as far as graphics go - are they the REALY old graphics...I mean old old, like the square faces 'n whatnot, or do they resemble the more recent graphics?

You get a bit of both depending on zones.
It goes up to Omens of War if i recall correctly.

That being said ;

This is your best friend if you have simple inquiries about zones and mobs.

Dalaya's Beginner, the guild everyone is in when joining SoD , is also a good source of infos since most high-end people have bots running in there, or tradeskillers.

Welcome and most of all, have fun !
Yes, it is pretty amazing. Be sure to read the rules though.

Some are quite a bit more strict than live, especially the naming policy. And veterans will look down there noses are goofy names. Otherwise, enjoy. If I see a Vah with the name of Pawlicker, I probably will never choose to group with ya. Just saying....
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