Hello all! I must say...I'm shocked and amazed to say the very least. I was an avid EQ player several years ago and had to stop playing for a while (relocated, got married, had a baby, etc) and just didn't have the time nor moneyto keep up with the $15 monthly fee I was paying. Here I am today, stumbling upon this site...and WOW!!! I cannot believe this! I think I'm still a bit confused...is it really possible to return to EQ and be able to simply donate as often as I can? Is it too good to be true?
If in fact this is a possibility - THANK YOU! This is so exciting. I've missed EQ so much. My EQ name is Nemaway, I had a 68 Magician on the old Mithaniel Marr server. Hope to get to know you all soon!
Also - I'm not even sure how to get started again with EQ. I think the last expansion I purchased was LDon...or maybe something beyond that, not sure. How to I download EQ again and be on this "free" server?
If in fact this is a possibility - THANK YOU! This is so exciting. I've missed EQ so much. My EQ name is Nemaway, I had a 68 Magician on the old Mithaniel Marr server. Hope to get to know you all soon!
Also - I'm not even sure how to get started again with EQ. I think the last expansion I purchased was LDon...or maybe something beyond that, not sure. How to I download EQ again and be on this "free" server?