

Dalayan Beginner
"Hi Everybody!"

"Hi Dr. Nick"

Enough with that, greetings! Not really sure how this gem has slipped through my fingers for so long. I played original EQ for roughly 6 years from beta, and simply got discouraged after PoP. SoD combines the best parts of original EQ with a loyal player base and the no BS god like GM support found in earlier EQ days. I am glad to be calling this home after loosing battles with lesser MMOs over the years. Currently a complete newb, but hopefully with time it will all come back. Currently working on a Monk (Peligro), Shaman (Kradluk), Shadowknight (Peligore), and possibly Cleric as the demand seems to be high as always. If you happen to be in need of some low level grouping action, or care to donate to a cloth wearing, rusty weapon weilding group of misfits, feel free to hit me up. Normal play times will be for the most part around 10pm - 2am pst.

OMGosh, we're HOME

KRADLUK!! err I mean Peligro... =P

Tuffee just told me about this. I'm so excited it's just silly! I'll be playing shortly (currently figuring out how to dl and get started). I'll be on as Siphon or Jaris.
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