

Dalayan Beginner
How did I miss this gem over the years?

Let me introduce myself.

I am a prior beta tester of (The unmentionable game), and played all the way from release till the launch of DAOC and played that for a year, then went back to the (Unmentionable Game) around the Trials of Atlantis debacle. Then played WOW for a year and left that screaming in agony.

Then I have been off and on MMO's ever since. Looking for something to take place of my original love for a class. My Beastlord, and my original love for (The Unmentionable Game).

Well I am currently getting the Titanium Pack so I can try out SoD.
I'll probably solo a lot while first learning the game. But try to be vocal in chat. I'll be keeping my eye out for a casual guild that likes to fight to earn their loot, and not have it handed to them on a silver platter. I am all about pushing my toons to their limits to see what I can achieve on my own, and with select few friends. You'd be amazed at some of the things I was, and my friends were capable of solo. Good Teamwork, and Knowing your class, and knowing the game is what it is all about.

I look forward to meeting everyone.

I'll be rolling a beastlord, and calling him. Clawclaw his pet will be called byte.
(It is a digital world play off of the old D&D Term.

War and Peace,
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Also ... I looked all over the place but couldn't find a decent guide.

IE: Something to point me in the right direction when I log in. I read Freeport and West and East Commons are off limits till 50's so I know to steer away from them. But could anyone give me a decent level req guide for the zones?

IE: (Using old names as I don't know all the new ones yet)
Lavastorm (20 - 45)
Oasis of Mar (15 - 35)
Unrest (18 - 30)

Mostly what level are you able to start exploring a place, and learning the nuances and loot drops.

You want the WIKI man. Anything you ask, the first answer is THE WIKI....

The wiki is located here:

Read it.... ALL OF IT... and it will answer most of your questions. Don't forget the server rules and don't overlook anything, it's all important. Again, the RULES OF THE SERVER are very important. There's a "no mercy" policy around here. It's nice actually, but it's very strict here.

Best of luck to ya. Hollar if you need anything further. As Finlay told me the day I started "Knowledge is Free"

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