How did I miss this gem over the years?
Let me introduce myself.
I am a prior beta tester of (The unmentionable game), and played all the way from release till the launch of DAOC and played that for a year, then went back to the (Unmentionable Game) around the Trials of Atlantis debacle. Then played WOW for a year and left that screaming in agony.
Then I have been off and on MMO's ever since. Looking for something to take place of my original love for a class. My Beastlord, and my original love for (The Unmentionable Game).
Well I am currently getting the Titanium Pack so I can try out SoD.
I'll probably solo a lot while first learning the game. But try to be vocal in chat. I'll be keeping my eye out for a casual guild that likes to fight to earn their loot, and not have it handed to them on a silver platter. I am all about pushing my toons to their limits to see what I can achieve on my own, and with select few friends. You'd be amazed at some of the things I was, and my friends were capable of solo. Good Teamwork, and Knowing your class, and knowing the game is what it is all about.
I look forward to meeting everyone.
I'll be rolling a beastlord, and calling him. Clawclaw his pet will be called byte.
(It is a digital world play off of the old D&D Term.
War and Peace,
Let me introduce myself.
I am a prior beta tester of (The unmentionable game), and played all the way from release till the launch of DAOC and played that for a year, then went back to the (Unmentionable Game) around the Trials of Atlantis debacle. Then played WOW for a year and left that screaming in agony.
Then I have been off and on MMO's ever since. Looking for something to take place of my original love for a class. My Beastlord, and my original love for (The Unmentionable Game).
Well I am currently getting the Titanium Pack so I can try out SoD.
I'll probably solo a lot while first learning the game. But try to be vocal in chat. I'll be keeping my eye out for a casual guild that likes to fight to earn their loot, and not have it handed to them on a silver platter. I am all about pushing my toons to their limits to see what I can achieve on my own, and with select few friends. You'd be amazed at some of the things I was, and my friends were capable of solo. Good Teamwork, and Knowing your class, and knowing the game is what it is all about.
I look forward to meeting everyone.
I'll be rolling a beastlord, and calling him. Clawclaw his pet will be called byte.
(It is a digital world play off of the old D&D Term.
War and Peace,
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