

Dalayan Beginner
Hello all, I just wanted introduce myself before creating my main character tonight. I will be a High Elven Enchanter, just as I was in another game whose name escapes me at the moment. I will also most likely remake my kitty rogue if I need a change of pace.

Been reading the wiki to get a feel for the features, lore and landscape that you created and I gotta say you guys have really knocked it out of the park. I cannot wait to dive in.

Anyways, feel free look me up in-game anytime, I will be the one wearing out my mez button. :dance:

I will edit this post with the names for my chars once I figure out something that isn't taken.

EDIT: Decided to switch it up a bit. But then I accidentally patched my installation last night (long story), so I have to reinstall EQ now. DOH! I love what I have seen so far, gonna try to put at least a day or two a week into this.

Eaeaden - Human Cleric
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Hope you enjoy your time here, but might want to spend more then a week, can't get too far in a week. =P
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