

Dalayan Adventurer
Hello all.

This sounds very interesting. In fact, pretty awesome.

I've played ...
Bard to 70 and +700 AA
Necro to 70 and +700 AA
Mage to 70 and +400 AA
Cleric, Enchanter, Shaman, Wizard, Druid to 60+

Dabbled with all other classes several times but none to over level 50.

I was pretty adept at 2-boxing, and even 3-boxed quite few LDoN and DoN missions with Bard, Necro and Mage.

I started playing the game on Opening day in 1999, and played pretty much straight through to 2006, with just a couple small breaks. I Riaded a lot before PoP. Afterwards, I Mostly 2-boxed and/or grouped with guildmates and raided a few rare times.

I lost interest in the live game mostly because of two reasons. The dumbing down of the game that made it too easy to level, and the catering to huge raiding guilds at the cost of casual gamers. Those silly monster missions were the last straw for me, so I closed all three of my accounts in the early spring of 2006, only to fall for the hype of "Come to progression servers and re-live the past" and re-activate that summer.

It didn't last long. By September of 2006, I had to face the fact the the Progression Servers were a dismal failure and when PoP expansion opened I closed my accounts for good.

I did re-open and play twice for about 30 minutes each this summer with the free offer, but just wandered around and didn't do much. Everyone I knew was gone of course.

I will be a semi-casual player here, unless I just get totally addicted again. :keke:
howdy, and welcome. Nice set of chars from live, im glad to see some new and more experienced players coming. its great to see.
your two boxing skills i can assume are good, unfortunately for you however, 2 boxing is the max you can do. 3 boxing and more is not allowed. Im sure you've been informed, but just reinforcing it for ya. Other than that, again, welcome to our humble home.
Thanks for the welcome.

Yes, I read about the no 3-boxing thing and am quite content with just 2-boxing. I don't really have the equipment to 3-box efficiently anymore anyway.

I actually logged on for the first time last night and got my little necro to almost level four before I logged. It's a strange, but yet somewhat familiar world. It was odd, but fun, to recognize the city I started in (Grobb) but yet not know where anything was.

These developers have obviously put in a lot of work on this game, but I am guessing it is a labor of love.
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