Greetings :)


Dalayan Beginner
I'd like to introduce myself, my wife Andromeda, and my son Dwarfmaster. We live in the UK, and enjoy playing games together. We're veterans of EQ since Shadows of Luclin, and have played for a few years until the introduction of EQ2. After a couple of years of EQ2, and me going back to college, we ended up having to cancel our subscriptions (£45 a month in subscription fees :eek: adds up over a few years). So we've been into the private servers for a while now (who doesn't like free games?), such as Flyff, Rappelz, Scions, Rose, RF, trying to find that magic game that could hold up to the standards of EQ (and not cost us a fortune in monthly subscriptions), when all of sudden BLING! the SoD vortex appeared before my eyes and sucked me in! Of course, I wasn't going to go without my army of gaming partners so I grabbed hold and now we're all sucked in together :D

This server has a lot to offer community-wise, and that's one thing that's important to us - a good community. The rules are straight-forward, Wiz has the frame of mind I've always expected of a Server Admin (owner?), so we're looking forward to our stay here.

Nice to meet you, Community! :D
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