Dropping a note to say hello to all of you. I stumbled onto this site by pure dumb luck and the fact that the owner posted a link on Thotmarket
I played retail for over 5 years from two weeks prior to RoK releasing. I had my Iksar warrior to lvl65 before I was forced to retire from retail due to medical issues. You have no idea how much I want to return and finding this place has answered that for me.
I will be on as often as possible even though I work the overnight shift.
Any question feel free to ask. If I am able I will answer.
Looking forward to experiencing this all over again with you all. If I can be of assistance and am able to just ask.
Sullear sith'Marin
Your friendly neighborhood psychotic Iksar :dance:
I played retail for over 5 years from two weeks prior to RoK releasing. I had my Iksar warrior to lvl65 before I was forced to retire from retail due to medical issues. You have no idea how much I want to return and finding this place has answered that for me.
I will be on as often as possible even though I work the overnight shift.
Any question feel free to ask. If I am able I will answer.
Looking forward to experiencing this all over again with you all. If I can be of assistance and am able to just ask.
Sullear sith'Marin
Your friendly neighborhood psychotic Iksar :dance: