Greetings One and All


Dalayan Beginner
Dropping a note to say hello to all of you. I stumbled onto this site by pure dumb luck and the fact that the owner posted a link on Thotmarket :).

I played retail for over 5 years from two weeks prior to RoK releasing. I had my Iksar warrior to lvl65 before I was forced to retire from retail due to medical issues. You have no idea how much I want to return and finding this place has answered that for me.

I will be on as often as possible even though I work the overnight shift.

Any question feel free to ask. If I am able I will answer.

Looking forward to experiencing this all over again with you all. If I can be of assistance and am able to just ask.

Sullear sith'Marin
Your friendly neighborhood psychotic Iksar :dance:
If you enjoyed Live, then you will find SoD to be way better. The content and encounters are more interactive and the community is pretty A+ save for Ryutakin.

Have fun and good luck!

TY for the fast initial response. Having some issues patching atm but working on it. I WILL be on today come hell or high water. LOL
God I love this. MSN is [email protected] ... I could really use some help getting some issues resolved with patching. Feel free to MSN me of if you guys have a ventrillo or teamspeak server...I am getting frustrated here =/
Sullear said:
God I love this. MSN is [email protected] ... I could really use some help getting some issues resolved with patching. Feel free to MSN me of if you guys have a ventrillo or teamspeak server...I am getting frustrated here =/

Try reading up on the FAQ in technical support. It is pretty detailed and should be able to resolve most issues. If you still cannot figure it out, please post exactly which steps you have taken to solve the problem and the exact error messages (or a description of the error) you are getting. Post that in the technical help section.

Good luck!
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