Greetings New to SoD


Dalayan Beginner
Hello Everyone,

Obviously I am new to SoD and want to say hello to everyone and introduce myself. I was an EQ player a long long time ago back when EQ first came out.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the SoD team and donates who make this possible. EQ was the very first MMORPG I played and for the past few years I have been wanting to play for old times sake. Well I did a quick search and low and be hold I found SoD.

I plan on remaking my old characters starting with the first:

Fobbo - halfling rogue

I would then like to follow him up with the rest of the characters I had played back then.

Razmurild - Iksar necomancer
Name forgotten - Troll Shadowknight

I look forward to meeting you all in game and hopefully time allowing for a few raids and/or grouping.

aka Fobbo
hello, welcome.
unless you live in midwest US or somewhere in Europe... dont look for raids :(
Welcome to the server. I think you will enjoy your time here.

p.s. Not sure what Luccian means, since most of my friends don't live in the Midwest or Europe and we raid.
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